Tel.: 0532-89226888
About Us
Company Profile
Our Team
Development History
Enterprise Spirits
Corporate Culture
Corporate Culture
Righteousness, Integrity, Trust
We believe that righteousness brings integrity, integrity brings trust, and trust is the foundation of all long-term relationships. We understand that customers, suppliers and colleagues are all our partners moving forward together. We respect and treat colleagues well, treat suppliers fairly, and continuously create value for customers.
Innovation, Pragmatism, Enterprising
We believe in science and are ready to support the research and development of material science and advanced technology. We attach great importance to objective data and welcome rational debate.We have accumulated resources, created conditions, and never considered any unpractical plans for a meteoric rise.We are not satisfied with the status quo and embrace change, because there is always the possibility of improvement and progress, and change should start from me.We work together to maintain a friendly working environment and never tolerate discrimination or bullying. We deem this as an important responsibility entrusted to every partner!